On the occasion of Children’s day, this is my small tribute to those unfortunate poor children who were blessed to live the richest phase of one’s life- childhood in a poorest way.
But thanks to many non-profit, non-commercial org. all around the world, bcoz of whom the things are better than the worse. World Vision is one such a Org. which has contributed to the world of poor Children education, and which inturn helped in eradicating child labour to some extent. Now many such fortunate children are living their lives with sparkles all around, how otherwise can a little soul like them find escape from the harsh realities surrounding them? If prevention work is not done now, they stand a good chance of becoming a candidate for the streets in the not so far future.
others: Education Early Education child sponsorship pr

Children are loved by one and all. They win over our hearts with their angelic eyes and innocent smiles. It makes one realise that, maybe that’s the way God wanted us to be.